2 min read
Lessons From the Early Days of Google
"We had a lot of engineering discipline on how we built, not just what we built" - Ben Smith, Former Technical Advisor to the CEO at...
2 min read
Trending Tech - When to Wait, Watch and Act with GitLab, Imperva and ServiceNow Executives
"More compute will be deployed in 2024 than all the prior years combined" - Kunal Anand, CTO & CISO at Imperva Other valuable insights...
2 min read
Uncovering Venture Capital with Stanford GSB Professor, Ilya Strebulaev
"Talent of entrepreneurs is by far the most important factor when VCs make decisions whether to invest or not" - Ilya A. Strebulaev,...
1 min read
Tech for Good with EY and Flock Safety
"People don't care what you know until they know you care" - Kailesh Karavadra, Managing Partner West Region Growth Markets at EY Other...